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Amara Raja Batteries hosts LEADCON 2023 in Tirupati

Conference aims to spread awareness on Lead safety and hygiene by showcasing

 best-in-class practices and initiatives


Amara Raja Batteries Ltd (ARBL) in association with InSLAR under the aegis of WHO hosted the 9th edition of LEADCON in Tirupati on its premises. Organised on May 5 & 6, 2023, the conference focused on creating awareness about the hazards of Lead exposure and promote research in Lead-related issues in India. It also deliberated on the progress made over the years and chartered out a future roadmap for Lead usage in the country.

Many initiatives have been undertaken to reduce exposure to lead like the successful phasing out of leaded gasoline in India and Quality Council of India has supported the awareness campaign to sensitize population and policy makers. The Indian Society for Lead Awareness and Research (InSLAR) has taken the initiative to next level with 48-centers operating in India.

ARBL is the technology leader and one of the leading manufacturers of lead-acid batteries for both industrial and automotive applications in the Indian storage battery industry. Its battery manufacturing units has accorded top priority to safety & hygiene, and improved engineering controls to eliminate or minimise lead exposure to ‘As Low As Reasonably Possible’ (ALARP).

The two-day conference with the theme ‘A Step Forward to Lead Safe Environment’ had workshops, scientific sessions and speeches by distinguished leaders from the various fields of expertise like environment sciences and medical specialties. They presented their views on mitigation of adverse impact of lead in general and human health in particular.

“Since the beginning, Amara Raja has given the highest priority to Health, Safety & Environment, and our manufacturing facilities often exceed global standards on these parameters. We are proud to host the national conference of LEADCON 2023 at our premises.” said Mr. Harshavardhana Gourineni, Executive Director, Automotive & Industrial Batteries, ARBL.

Along with Mr Gourineni, the inaugural session was attended by Mr. Narasimhulu Naidu C, Chief Operations Officer, ARBL, Dr. Chandra Babu Nalagatlla Organizing Secretary Head-Occupational Health, ARBL, Dr. (Maj) Bishwadeep Paul, President, Indian Association of Occupational Health Sr. Director HR–Medical, Procter & Gamble, Dr. Thuppil Venkatesh National chairman, Indian Society for Lead Awareness & Research (InSLAR) Director and CEO NRCLPI known as the Lead Man of India, Prof. (Dr.) Abbas Ali Mahdi, Patron, Indian Society for Lead Awareness & Research (InSLAR) and Dr Girdhar Gyani, Director General Association of Healthcare Providers (India), popularly known as Quality Man of India. 

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